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Tom Shoop

Former editor in chief, Government Executive

Tom Shoop
Tom Shoop is the former executive vice president and editor in chief at Government Executive Media Group, where he oversaw editorial operations at Government Executive, Nextgov, Defense One and Route Fifty. He started as associate editor of Government Executive magazine in 1989; launched the company’s flagship website,, in 1996; and served as editor in chief from 2007 to 2021.

The Day Private Willie Mays Threw Out My Dad

Two lives intersect in a story of baseball, military service, and American society in the Korean War era.


The Day Private Willie Mays Threw Out My Dad

Two lives intersect in a story of baseball, military service, and American society in the Korean War era.


Whatever Happens in the Election, Get Ready for a Rocky Transition

Trump says if he loses, he won’t help hand over power, and if he wins, he'll root out government employees he deems disloyal to him.


The YouTube Effect: Intelligence Operations Move Out of the Shadows

The U.S. military’s intel chief describes a shift from “secret wars” to “low-visibility wars.”


DoD's HR Overhaul: From Yugo to Maserati in a Year and a Half

Pentagon officials say they’re committed to overhauling the personnel system by the end of the Obama administration.


What We Talk About When We Talk About the VA

We should be very careful about generalizing from a genuine problem with veterans care to a broad conclusion that VA is failing veterans across the board. By Tom Shoop


Gates’ Love-Hate Relationship with Bureaucracy

“Up close, Congress is truly ugly,” former Defense Secretary Bob Gates writes in his new memoir. By Tom Shoop


Fanning: Air Force Having Trouble Keeping Pilots, and Pay Isn’t the Problem

Pilots don’t just want bonuses, they want to be able to fly, says acting Secretary Eric Fanning. By Tom Shoop


Do Not Call a Navy Captain Fat

The Washington Post apologizes for characterizing an officer as “thickset.” By Tom Shoop


Obama Wants to Give Troops, Civilians a 1 Percent Pay Raise in 2014

President Obama issued an alternative federal pay plan late Friday that gives troops a 1 percent pay increase in 2014. By Tom Shoop


Former Air Force Secretary To Reduce Hagel's Staff by 20 Percent

Retired Air Force Secretary Mike Donley will lead a panel that's been directed to reduce the Office of the Secretary of Defense's budget by 20 percent. By Tom Shoop


The Soldier Who Pawned His iPhone, or Why Management Matters

All the strategy and planning in the world doesn’t matter if you can’t get things like payroll processing right. By Tom Shoop