
US Army Hires AI Firm to Predict When Aircraft, Vehicles & Weapons Will Break

Following the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, the service hopes a small company can organize the data from decades-old maintenance logs.


Pentagon Fails Its Second Audit — But Not As Badly

The comptroller's report said the Defense Department had fixed more than 550 problems — about one-quarter of them — listed in the 2018 audit.


What Does the US Military Need For A War In Space? It’s Hard to Say

The plans for war above the atmosphere remain so tightly classified that industry can’t start building the things that will be needed.


Price of F-35 Falls, But Not as Much As Pentagon Hoped

Defense officials say the cost of the plane’s engine is not declining as much as the airframe itself. The engine maker says it already dropped by half.


Microsoft Wins Massive JEDI Cloud Contract

Amazon loses in a $10-billion upset decision after months of legal and Trump-fueled political controversy.


$85B Nuclear Missile Competition Gets Messier as Feds Investigate Northrop

Boeing is breaking up its ICBM team — just as the Federal Trade Commission begins looking into the company's allegations that Northrop wasn't playing fair.


As Secret Pentagon Spending Rises, Defense Firms Cash in

Classified spending has edged up faster than overall defense budget requests, and accounts for nearly 11 percent of the $716 billion proposed for 2020.


Just One Bidder Is Vying for Two Pentagon Programs Worth $130 Billion

The defense acquisition chief is looking into the Army’s disqualification of a second bidder to replace Bradley armored vehicles.


Raytheon's Next Patriot Radar Will Eliminate a Blind Spot

Company officials say the new radar can spot drone swarms, cruise missiles and hypersonic weapons expected on future battlefields.


Boeing’s 737 Woes Aren’t Hurting Its Pursuit of Military Contracts, Exec Says

The company is still sinking its own cash into prototypes that can help it win long-term work.


New Tech Aims to Tell Pilots When Their Plane Has Been Hacked

Raytheon is pitching a product to detect cyber intrusions into aircraft, drones, and even missiles.