Defense Stocks Soar on News of Trump Victory
In early trading, the new commander in chief's promises to rebuild the American military are helping defense stocks buck the wider market plunge.
Obama’s Final Arms-Export Tally More than Doubles Bush’s
Most of the $278 billion in approved sales have gone to Saudi Arabia and other Mideast allies.
Pentagon Urged to Better Integrate Intel Needs in Weapons Acquisition
GAO says training and tighter certification would improve communication.
Kendall: The Pentagon’s Spending Less on Weapons, So Let Me Keep My Job
A 30-year-low in cost growth is part of the defense acquisition undersecretary’s closing argument for why Congress shouldn’t eliminate his position.
Lockheed’s Pitch: Buy Our Training Jet, Save Taxpayers $1 Billion
Company officials say they can build the jets faster, and that should give them a leg up in the T-X bid evaluation.
The US Military Is Shedding Civilian Jobs. It Has No Idea How Much Money It’s Actually Saving
The Government Accountability Office wants to make sure the military isn’t letting employees go without a true accounting of the costs.
US Allows Qatar to Buy F-15s — and Seals a $19B Sale of Jetliners
Officials deny linking the military and commercial deals, but insiders say otherwise.
The US Air Force Just Dropped Two Fake Nukes
The tests in the Nevada desert come as tensions rise with Russia and the Pentagon seeks to replace its aging nuclear arsenal.
Pentagon Fronts Bomb Buys For Allies Fighting ISIS
A special budget account is being used to boost weapons production ahead of allies' formal orders.
Where Are All the Startups?
Pentagon leaders regularly tout Silicon Valley innovation, but entrepreneurs seem largely absent from the largest defense industry events.
U.S. Air Force Preps a Controversial No-Bid Purchase of Spy Planes
Lawmakers balk at replacing aging EC-130Hs with smaller Gulfstream G550s without open competition.