
The Pentagon Is Trying To Make Its $400 Billion Fighter Jet Cheaper To Fly

As the F-35’s expected price tag settles around $165 million per plane, DoD is trying to trim the much larger operations-and-maintenance bills to come.


The Future of the Draft

As another Memorial Day passes with service members still at war, readers debate the merits of reinstating the draft.


Northrop Grumman CEO Issues Rare Pentagon Rebuke Over Research Red Tape

Northrop's chief pushed back against a new Pentagon policy requiring firms to get DOD approval for company funded research projects.


CIA Ends Its Climate Research Program

Just days after the president said climate change was an 'indisputable' national security threat, the intelligence community ends its satellite data-sharing program with scientists.


Punish US Generals for Mismanaging Afghan War Funds, Says Inspector General

The Army failed to stop the construction of never-to-be-used $36 million command center.


Air Force Trims Drone Ops to Get Workforce ‘Healthy’

The service is dropping five of its 65 combat air patrols so its overtaxed pilots and intelligence operators can catch their breath.


Obama Scales Back Military Equipment Sharing for Cops

After seeing how police responded to protests in Baltimore and Ferguson, the administration is changing the gear the Pentagon will share with local cops.


House Passes Military-Retirement Overhaul

Its version of the 2016 defense authorization act would automatically enroll new troops in the Thrift Savings Plan.


A New Way To Help Our Troops Enter the Workforce

The Pentagon’s latest initiative connects employers to troops before they leave the military, so they’re better trained and ready to work when they do.


Whistleblower Says VA Spent More Than $6 Billion Unlawfully

Secretary McDonald, who apparently sat on a memo about the problem, says the whistleblower should fix it himself.


Obama Nominates Former Afghanistan War Deputy To Lead Army

Gen. Mark Milley would inherit an Army still transitioning from big budget wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to a much more complex mix of military threats — and needs — around the globe.


Obama Nominates Nuclear Chief To Head Navy

Adm. John Richardson, a submariner, would become the first head of the Navy’s nuclear-propulsion shop to rise to chief of naval operations.


Navy Opens Fire on Cold-War Personnel System

Armed with an innovative plan for promotions, Secretary Ray Mabus wants to sink industrial-age HR policies and rig his fleet for the 21st century.


All 8 Women Fail To Advance To Next Phase of Ranger School

But all eight, along with 101 male soldiers, earned the right to restart the first training phase next week.


Pentagon Workers Put Escorts and Casino Bets on DOD Charge Cards

Over the course of a year, Defense Department employees put nearly $1 million spent at casinos on government charge cards, a pending investigation has revealed.


The Man Under the Flattop: Who is Paul Selva?

Two key military assignments helped position Air Force Gen. Paul Selva to become the next Vice Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff — and perhaps, eventually, the chairman.


US Allies Cleared to Buy Arms Worth $3.5 Billion

The State Department OKs two key missile deals for Pacific Rim nations, a million-plus mortar rounds for Iraqis fighting ISIS, and more.


Marine Commandant, Air Force Cargo Pilot Tapped to Lead Pentagon

A former commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and the head of Transportation Command will be Obama’s picks to lead the military during a time of swelling threats, widened missions, and budget uncertainty.