US Military Increasing Foreign Expo Presence After 2-Year Downturn
Pentagon brass are back at international tradeshows, meeting with industry and foreign counterparts and touting U.S.-made weapons, effectively ending the post-2012 scandal.
Defense One at IDEX: Western Military Leaders Seek Looser Arms Restrictions
At the world’s largest arms expo, defense leaders, military commanders and weapons makers want to make it easier to arm allies in the Middle East.
Defense Secretary Carter Arrives in Afghanistan Seeking 'Lasting Result'
Newly minted Defense Secretary Ash Carter made the now-customary first overseas trip to visit troops in the Afghanistan war zone -- with an endgame in mind.
To Manage the Pentagon, Ash Carter Turned to Bloomberg, Cantor
Defense Secretary Ash Carter sets off on the job of his career with some unexpected perspective as staff takes shape.
Despite Scandal, the VA Has Actually Fired Very Few for Misconduct
Despite declaring a new culture of accountability, the Veterans Affairs Department fired about half the number of workers in 2014 than it did the previous year.
On Extremism: Stop Talking About Strategy and Start Talking About Execution
The boring truth is we have strategies to fight violent extremism; we’re just not able to execute them.
Boeing Defense Creates New Development Business Unit
After aerial tanker delays, Boeing groups its military and space development projects under one new business unit to oversee new projects.
Lawmakers Get Lost in the Math of Reforming Military Benefits
The business of reforming the military's compensation system got very confused very quickly during a Wednesday House Armed Services subcommittee hearing.
How Reforming Benefits Could Undermine the Pentagon's Future
The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission's recommendations are appealing to reformers. But here's how they could actually end up doing irreversible harm to the all-volunteer force.
Science & Tech
Obama Pushes for Greater Intel Sharing in New Strategy
Risky or not, the new national security strategy pushes for greater information sharing between intelligence agencies, at home and abroad.
Will Harris Acquiring Exelis Spur More Defense Firm Consolidation?
Analysts and the Pentagon have predicted consolidation in the middle tier of the defense industry for nearly five years, but until recently, not much has happened.
White House Announces New Rules for NSA Spying
The Intelligence Community outlines new changes to what data the government keeps on Americans and foreigners.
Science & Tech
Obama Wants More Money for Military Spy Satellites, Lasers, Space Fence
It could be a great year for lasers and spy satellites, but a bad one for drones on aircraft carriers.
White House Requests Modest Pay Increase for Troops and Civilians
The Obama administration's fiscal 2016 plan would give troops a slight increase in pay over last year's 1 percent bump while federal workers would receive their highest pay raise in six years.
Pentagon Unveils $585 Billion Budget Request
While the Pentagon will enjoy a peace dividend of sorts, the latest proposal still keeps the military on a war footing.
Obama's Budget Would Cut Just 3,500 Pentagon Civilian Jobs
The leaked plan to cut 3,500 civilians from the Pentagon's headquarters staff is not seen as an enormous loss for a workforce totaling roughly 800,000.
Science & Tech
Better Simulation Could Save the Military Millions
A new survey reveals how the military is using simulation and obstacles to wider implementation.
The Real Implications of a Homeland Security Shutdown
Democrats cite the elevated national security risk of a Department of Homeland Security shutdown showdown with Republicans.
Lawmakers Seek Tighter Restrictions on VA Executives' Bonus Pay
A new bill caps the number of VA executives eligible for bonuses, and instructs leaders to switch jobs within the department at least once every five years.