Behind Eric Shinseki's Downfall
The VA secretary was undone by an overwhelmed health system and Washington's hyper-partisan health care politics. By James Kitfield
Before Resigning, Shinseki Announces Several Reforms at VA
VA Secretary Eric Shinseki took a parting shot before quitting Friday as he fired several senior leaders and canceled bonuses. By Sarah Mimms
Here's the Man Who Will Replace Shinseki at the VA
Sloan Gibson, the former head of the USO, will step in as acting secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department. By Marina Koren
Shinseki Resigns
With mounting calls for his resignation and a growing scandal over wait lists at veterans hospitals, VA Secretary Eric Shinseki steps down. By Stephanie Gaskell
Should You Need a License to Practice Cybersecurity?
The United States should consider a certifying body to grant and revoke permissions for cybersecurity professionals, a National Defense University professor says. By Aliya Sternstein
Obama Wants a New $5 Billion Fund for the Global War on Terror
With the war in Afghanistan ending, the Overseas Contingency Operations budget won't cut it anymore, so Obama is proposing a new $5 billion fund to pay for the global war on terrorism. By Global Security Newswire
Why Did It Take So Long for the VA Scandal to Go Public?
Despite passage of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, its effects are not being felt in government offices. By Alesh Houdek
VA Inspector General Says Wait Lists Are a ‘Systemic Problem'
The IG report confirms that 1,700 veterans waited at least 115 days for care at the VA hospital in Phoenix as the investigation widens to 46 facilities. By Sarah Mimms
Are Paychecks the Problem? Senate Considers Bonuses for Pentagon’s Cyber Workforce
The private sector is eating the Pentagon’s lunch when it comes to skilled workers. A Senate panel wants to know if bonuses and incentives will make a difference. By Aliya Sternstein
The Pentagon and Congress Must Stop Raiding the Afghan War Fund
New legislation just passed the House that prevents Congress and the Pentagon from using war funds to pay for things that have nothing to do with war. By William D. Hartung
Obama Wants All U.S. Troops Out of Afghanistan by 2017
President Obama wants to keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan next year, then shrink to a ‘normal embassy presence’ by 2017. By Stephanie Gaskell
Keep Him! VA Problems Not On Shinseki, Says Sanders
What VA Secretary Shinseki has done to improve the agency outweighs the hospital scandal that deserves larger context, Sanders argues. By Kevin Baron
House Passes Troop Pay Raise, Rejects TRICARE Reform and BRAC
The House’s version of the 2015 defense authorization bill shares little in common with Obama’s version and includes $45 billion more in spending. By Kellie Lunney
Pure Home-State Politics Behind Russian Helicopter Opposition
Pressure is building to halt a Pentagon deal with a Russian state arms dealer to supply aircraft for the Afghan Air Force. By Billy House
Why No One Is Buying the Air Force’s Argument To Ditch the A-10
Lawmakers want assurances that getting rid of the aircraft won’t leave soldiers vulnerable. So far, the Air Force is just not getting that message across. By Janine Davidson
Why Is Shinseki Refusing More Authority To Fire VA Employees?
Under pressure to clean house, VA Secretary Eric Shinseki says a House bill that gives him more power to fire bad employees goes too far. By Stephanie Gaskell
Is Obama to Blame for Failures at the VA?
Obama, Bush, Congress, and presidents going back to JFK all bear some of the responsibility. By Jordain Carney and Stacy Kaper
House to Vote on 1.8 Percent Military Pay Hike This Week
The House begins taking up the National Defense Authorization Act on Tuesday, including a measure to increase troop pay by nearly twice the president’s request. By Kellie Lunney
Top VA Official Resigns Ahead of Schedule in Wait List Scandal
Robert Petzel, the VA's undersecretary for health, had already planned to retire this year. By Bob Brewin