The NSA Report Is Only a Small Win for Opponents of the Surveillance State
The presidential commission basically said that the agency could keep its most valuable programs intact. By Michael Hirsh
Presidential Panel Blasts NSA Data Collection
White House advisors recommend 46 changes to how NSA collects and stores personal data. By Brian Resnick, Marina Koren and Dustin Volz
Congress Wants Pentagon to Upgrade Nuclear Command and Control
A provision in the NDAA requires the Defense Department to create a special council overseeing nuclear communications technology. By Rachel Oswald
Pentagon Reorganizes Intel Office, Adds Cyber Post
Under orders to cut 20 percent from its budget, the Pentagon’s intel office also has to balance its commitment to new threats like cyber. By Stephanie Gaskell
Here’s Why the Proposed Military Retiree Benefit Cuts Are No Big Deal
Here are six reasons why it is hard to make an argument that the U.S. government is not acting in good faith for the men and women in uniform. By Lawrence Korb and Katherine Blakeley
U.S. Troops Exposed to Afghan Burn Pits After $5.4 Million Incinerators Fail
A new watchdog report says that troops at a forward operating base in Afghanistan were put at risk because solid waste burned in open-air. By Charles Clark
White House Refuses to Split NSA, CYBERCOM
The Obama administration decided to keep the spy agency head dual-hatted by a military commander. By Jordain Carney
Senate Confirms New Air Force Secretary
Deborah Lee James is the service's second female secretary, and brings years of industry experience to the job. By Jordain Carney
House Passes Bipartisan Budget Deal
The $85 billion dollar deal will tweak the pension contributions for new federal workers and working age military retirees. By Kellie Lunney
House Passes NDAA, Approves 1 Percent Pay Raise for Troops
The measure also covered other critical areas of military compensation, including combat pay, housing allowances, and reenlistment bonuses. By Kellie Lunney
The General Who Opened Guantanamo's Prison Wants to Shut It Down
Retired Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert writes in an op-ed that the U.S. had insufficient evidence on many prisoners of "little intelligence value" who "should never have been sent" to GTMO. By Marina Koren
Hagel Backs Budget Deal
The agreement doesn't solve all of the Pentagon's budget woes, but the defense secretary says it helps address readiness and procurement challenges. By Jordain Carney
Why Congress Should Fully Fund the VA in Advance
Congress is about to fail America’s veterans if they don’t tackle these bills this year, and fund the full VA in advance. By Alexander Nicholson
Karzai: There is ‘No Deadline’ to Sign Troop Deal
Afghan President Hamid Karzai says the Dec. 31 deadline to sign a post-2014 troop deal is just ‘pressure’ from the U.S. But visiting Gen. Martin Dempsey said negotiations are ‘closed.’ By Stephanie Gaskell
New Feds, Military Retirees to Contribute More to Pensions With Budget Deal
Savings gained by tweaking the retirement benefits of both groups would amount to $12 billion. By Kellie Lunney
Budget Agreement Eases Pentagon's Sequester Pain
The Pentagon's budget remains undecided, as Congress punts the sequester just two years down the road. By Sara Sorcher and Stacy Kaper
Hagel Softens on Troop Deal, Gives Karzai Until February - But Not April
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel now says Afghanistan has to sign a troop deal by February’s NATO meeting. It’s not the April elections that worries him; it’s the runoffs. By Stephanie Gaskell
Spared from Hagel’s Cuts: Cyber, Asia-Pacific, Homeland Policy Jobs
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is cutting 200 jobs from his front office – but he made sure to protect several key policy positions in homeland, cyber and the Asia-Pacific. By Stephanie Gaskell
Here’s What the Army Thinks War Will Look Like in 2030
Top brass gathered in Washington, D.C., recently to review the Army’s latest war games. What does war look like in 2030? (Hint: it’s not that different than today). By Stephanie Gaskell