Revealed: What U.S. Spy Agencies Spend Their Money On
Newly leaked documents, given to The Washington Post by NSA leaker Edward Snowden, show how U.S. spy agencies spend their $56 billion dollar budget. By Dashiell Bennett
In The Tank: This Week’s Best Defense and National Security Think Tank Offerings
The latest in wonk reads on national security, tech, and more. By Kedar Pavgi
The Battle Between the Air Force and the Air National Guard
The Air Force must stop pretending that it has no choice but to cut the Air National Guard and instead figure out ways to keep capability without being crushed by Congress. By Russell Rumbaugh
More than 3,000 Civilian Medical Personnel Quit Amid Furloughs, Budget Cuts
Many of them are heading over to work at the Veterans Affairs Department, which has been sheltered from sequestration. By Eric Katz.
Congress Urges Obama to Make His Case Before Striking Syria
Several members of Congress are reminding President Obama of his obligation to consult with Congress before authorizing military action in Syria. By Michael Catalini
Former Air Force Secretary To Reduce Hagel's Staff by 20 Percent
Retired Air Force Secretary Mike Donley will lead a panel that's been directed to reduce the Office of the Secretary of Defense's budget by 20 percent. By Tom Shoop
Pentagon ‘Stands Ready’ for Military Action in Syria as U.S. Warships Move to Region
President Obama huddles with his national security team to decide whether to take military action in Syria amid reports of more chemical attacks. By Kevin Baron
DoD Will Lay Off 6,000 Civilians if Sequestration Continues
Major cuts to civilian defense employees are imminent If Congress can't come up with a plan to reduce the debt and sequestration continues next fiscal year. By Eric Katz
Did Snowden and Manning Really Know What They Were Leaking?
Manning and Snowden are seen by many as heroes for leaking classified information. But the real problem is with the indiscriminate nature of their leaks. By Mark Bowden
The Cost of Mental Health Care in the Military: $4.5 Billion Since 2007
Mental health care costs are on the rise in the military. The Pentagon spent nearly $1 billion on mental health treatment last year – roughly double the amount it spent in 2007. By Bob Brewin
What the NSA's Compliance Data Tells Us
One piece of data, left unredacted in its report to Congress, appears to give more information on the surveillence program than the NSA has ever released publicly. By Philip Bump
Stop Shrouding the U.S. Drone Program in Secrecy
What if Obama was forced by Congress to share, after every lethal drone strike, a detailed summary of the evidence against the people killed? By Conor Friedersdorf
Sequestration Hits Army and Navy’s Senior Ranks
Sequestration is forcing the Army and Navy to reduce the number of senior officers. By Mark Micheli
50 Percent of Americans Say Obama Isn’t ‘Tough’ on Egypt
As confusion swirls around the administration’s Egypt policy, many Americans say it’s time to cut military aid. By Mark Micheli
Science & Tech
Pentagon Wants To Expand Program That Detects Foreign Nuclear Tests
A new solicitation indicates that the DoD is considering an upgrade to a system used to track nuclear activity abroad. By Aliya Sternstein
Science & Tech
Area 51 Has Been Hiding U-2 Spy Planes, Not UFOs
The existence of Area 51 isn’t the CIA’s most impressive revelation within the newly declassified document—it’s the U-2’s price tag. By Mark Micheli
The NSA Needs a Church Committee
It's time for a new Church Committee, the mid-1970s surveillance oversight investigation named for Sen. Frank Church, and this time it should be led by Sen. Ron Wyden. By Conor Friedersdorf.
Sexual Assault Reform or 'Slippery Slope' for Military Justice?
The all-or-nothing battle over removing sexual assault cases from command authority shouldn’t stop real reform from happening. By James Kitfield
What the NSA’s Massive Org Chart (Probably) Looks Like
Amid public cries for greater transparency into the intelligence world, here’s a look at the National Security Agency’s organizational chart -- as far as we know it. By Marc Ambinder