DOD smart-phone app links to recovery website
The Defense Department has launched a new smart-phone application that gives service members and veterans mobile phone access to the National Resource Directory recovery and rehabilitation website.
The Defense Department has launched a new smart-phone application that gives service members and veterans mobile phone access to the National Resource Directory recovery and rehabilitation website, DOD said April 25.
Mobile access is a key to reaching younger generations of service members who are wounded or transitioning out of the military — and their families, said John Campbell, DOD deputy assistant secretary for wounded warrior care and transition.
“They are looking for more efficient ways to gather information, and with this explosion of applications on smart phones, it was kind of a no-brainer that we needed to put a mobile version out there,” Campbell said in an American Forces Press Service report. “Everything we’re trying to do now is geared toward younger servicemen and women applying digital media — the platform they want to use.”
The website, which came online in late 2009, gets about 90,000 hits each month, according to Campbell. Users can find tips for writing a resume, techniques to prepare for job interviews, information on veterans’ benefits and compensation and family caregiver support, Campbell said.