Beat the GSA administrator by a stride and win
GSA is giving out pedometers in a contest to out-walk Martha Johnson, GSA's chief, at the GSA Expo.
For the competitive fed, the General Services Administration is hosting a contest to see who walks more than Martha Johnson, GSA’s administrator.
Those who signed up for the ExpoFit Striders will get a free GSA pedometer to track how many miles they walk at the three-day convention. Walk more than Johnson and there may be a prize.
It’s part of an initiative to keep people fit while they're on the road and out of the normal, everyday routine, for those who have one.
Beside the Striders contest, there’s:
- ExpoFit Choices, a healthy menu at the concession stands.
- ExpoFit Central, a booth with healthy food advice, ideas for workouts and a sign-up for fitness buddies.
- ExpoFit Recharge, a 20-minute break for stretching and relaxation in the mid-afternoon—to avoid that 2:30 feeling.
- ExpoFit Sunrisers, groups who will be running or walking very early in the morning.
And after the health food and exercise -- or maybe instead of -- there are plenty of bars and pubs waiting just outside the convention center..