Cyber superiority requires creativity, innovation to meet threats

Continuous innovation and creativity coupled with out-of-box thinking are the fundamental requirements for intelligence collection and analysis if the defense community is to stay ahead of the changing threat environment.

Classic intelligence and espionage has undergone a substantial expansion due to the Internet and massive computerization of business, government and society in general. Add to that the fact that demands on global intelligence gathering capabilities have increased and will continue to do so due to our non-stop business and government operations. Now, consider the dramatic shift in the source of the intelligence that the intelligence community uses. It has moved away from the government (military and intelligence community) to the private sector. This transition has taken place over the past few decades and continuously challenges the intelligence capabilities of nations around the world.

Our growing international cooperation with and co-dependencies on foreign intelligence services add to the complexities of today’s intelligence environment. Technology has also outpaced the defense and intelligence communities’ abilities to adapt, even though our intelligence collection capabilities have significantly improved over the last decade. The pace of technological advancement tests the most agile of organizations. 

Continuous innovation and creativity coupled with out-of-box thinking are the fundamental requirements for intelligence collection and analysis if the defense community is to stay ahead of the changing threat environment. The private sector is on the spot to provide the next generation of intelligence gathering and analysis capabilities, with the demands of the cyber environment included. Given the recent decrease in research and development spending due to the harsh economic environment and the ongoing theft of corporate intellectual property, will the United States and its allies be able to keep up with the threats they face in cyberspace?