Army to establish doctrine for countering enemy UAS

Participants in an Army planning session held at Fort Sill, Okla., discussed doctrine and training necessary for countering enemy UAS threats.

A soldier detects an incoming enemy unmanned aircraft system (UAS). What action should the soldier take to counter the threat?

That matter was the topic of a two-day, in-depth planning session hosted in December by the Army Fires Center of Excellence at Fort Sill, Okla. The center of excellence is the service lead for Army Counter-UAS efforts.

Participants in the session discussed the nature of the threat and key implications to doctrine, organization, training, material development, leadership, facilities and personnel not only for other Army centers of excellence, but also the joint community, officials said.

About 120 people attended the meeting, including representatives from the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, as well as the other Army centers of excellence, officials said.

In attendance were Army aviation, intelligence, and science and technology communities, as well as Fort Sill liaison officers from The Netherlands, France, Canada, South Korea and Germany. Fourteen defense companies also attended. Other Defense Department commands and individuals participated through Defense Connect Online.

Over the next year, the Counter-UAS communities will meet through quarterly video teleconferences and engagements as a community, as well as a Counter-UAS simulation sponsored for the  Fires Center of Excellence Battle Lab in the summer, officials said. The next Counter-UAS meeting will be in December 2013 at Fort Sill.

In future conflicts, the Army will need doctrine and training to know whether it is best to jam the electronic signal from the enemy ground controller, eliminate the ground controller or shoot down the incoming UAS.