A U.S. soldier oversees members of the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, demolishing a Kurdish fighters' fortification and raising a Tal Abyad Military Council flag as part of the "safe zone" near the Turkish border, Sept. 21, 2019. U.S. Army via AP
Best of 2019: Editor's Choice
Even with several best-of lists, it's hard to choose among the thousands of articles we published this year. Here are a few notables that we haven't noted elsewhere.
'It Didn't Have to Be This Way': Just-Retired CENTCOM General
Joseph Votel & Elizabeth Dent: Trump's decision 'threatens to undo five years' worth of fighting against ISIS and will severely damage American credibility and reliability,'; writes Joseph Votel, who until March led America's forces in the Mideast.
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ankara?
Katie Bo Williams: The question is not: "Can we live with a rogue Turkey?" but:"Do we have a choice?" said one U.S. official.
Syrian Women Helped Find Baghdadi, Beat ISIS, Will Face 'Tough Time' Ahead, Leader Says
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: 'We will continue our resistance and our struggle,' says the head of the all-women's YPJ, in a rare interview.
America's Fighter Jet Makers Are Thriving, Thanks to Trump and Putin
Marcus Weisgerber: Orders of older warplanes surge as U.S. military spending rises and Russia rattles its sabers.
'By, With, Through' Was the Best Hope for Syria — And Ending 'Endless Wars'
Mona Yacoubian: The U.S. acquiescence to Turkey's invasion abandons an effective Kurdish partner, but also a creative model that was working.
Russia Will Test Its Ability to Disconnect from the Internet
Patrick Tucker: The nascent RuNet is meant to allow the country to survive an attack — and Putin to monitor and control the population.
'End Forever Wars' is a Sound Bite, Not a Security Policy
Kevin Baron: More and more Democratic candidates are echoing Trump's pledges to withdraw from conflicts abroad. Few say how to do it, nor how it will make us safer.
Defense One Radio, Ep. 61: Influence operations in 2020
Ben Watson: In 2016, Moscow sowed division with fake news. Today, Russian agents simply reflect the things Americans say about each other.
'That's When I Became A Sniper': Ukraine's Women Vets Describe Their War
Patrick Tucker: As the war in Ukraine smolders on, we sat down with women veterans who recount their experiences fighting to defend their country, and each other.
Acting DNI Shows Why Generals and Admirals Should Not Become Top Civilians
Sarah Chayes: Joseph Maguire, a retired three-star, was all too desperate to find a higher civilian authority whose orders to obey.
NEXT STORY: Best of 2019: Ideas