
Is the US military learning enough from Ukraine?

Relatively few analysts at the services’ doctrine organizations are working full-time to glean lessons from the war.

Increased efforts, lower goal help Army end recruiting slump

One-quarter of recruits used the service’s new pre-enlistment course to get up to snuff.

Mission systems sold separately: Air Force debuts ‘next-gen acquisition model’

Service says buying planes’ brains separately will help integrate the entire force.

Air Force braces for new nuclear-war scenarios

With more nuclear players and weapons around the world, U.S. forces need to be ready, a top service leader says.

Lessons from Ukrainian F-16 crash will shape US training: Air Force general

Hecker describes ongoing challenges related to Kyiv’s donated fighter jets.

Intel agencies are awash in young talent. But can they keep it?

The intelligence community needs to improve their career-development processes if they're going to keep young stars, officials say.

US issues new sanctions against Russian influence operators

State media and military are working together on a remarkably broad set of aims.

Moscow’s Iranian-missile deal draws Western sanctions

Arrangement reveals depth of the countries’ relationship—and of the “supply challenges that Russia is facing,” one official said.

Navy secretary violated prohibitions on political activity, federal office finds

The Office of Special Counsel also determined that the Hatch Act does not prohibit federal-employee activities related to Project 2025.

Trump says NATO members should spend 3% on defense. Alliance official: ‘Yes’

Spending will have to rise to deliver needed capability, a NATO policy leader said.

European officials vow to boost defense production, but some worry it won’t be enough

Security elites gathering in Prague say it’s time for Europe to step up military support for Ukraine…and Europe.

The agency that dared not speak its name is launching a podcast

The NSA's "No Such Podcast" will interview agency experts in a bid to raise its public profile.

Trump calls federal workforce 'crooked,' vows to hold them 'accountable'

In an interview, the former president appeared to broaden his disdain for political appointees to federal workers in general.

US intelligence agencies seek closer partnerships with private sector

The nation's top intelligence director outlined a list of new and expanded initiatives.

Feds in Iraq will continue to receive special premium pay, OPM says

Civilian employees in Iraq may waive a pay cap through December under a 2003 emergency declaration, according to a recent memo from the HR agency. 

US, UK, Australia loosen mutual export controls

New rules may mark a “generational-level change” in allies’ industrial and technological collaboration.