New-Age High-Power Microwave Technology

A Strategic Countermeasure in Asymmetric Drone Warfare

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Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, have undergone a lightning-fast evolution into accessible, affordable, and capable weapons. Agile, cost-effective, and equipped with the latest technology, drones have quickly become a popular asymmetric tool on the battlefield. Recent Houthi attacks on shipping vessels in the Red Sea and the ubiquitous presence of drones in the Russia-Ukraine conflict have demonstrated the democratization of drones across state and non-state actors and put a premium on robust, versatile, and cost-efficient counter-drone (C-UAS) solutions.

This brief will detail why C-UAS is so critical, list the C-UAS solutions available today, explain how each works, identify their drawbacks, and determine the most effective C-UAS solution.

Read the full brief now

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