70 Percent of Americans Say Arms Sales Make US Less Safe
A recent Chicago Council survey shows the Trump administration out of step with public opinion.
Coming Soon to a Battlefield: Robots That Can Kill
Tomorrow’s wars will be faster, more high-tech, and less human than ever before. Welcome to a new era of machine-driven warfare.
The American Exception
The United States is not the only nation to suffer from white supremacism, but in America, it has proved uniquely deadly.
Antiques Road Show: The Real State of the US Military
The wars of the future may depend not so much on the kinds of things you can put on parade, but on new technologies that reimagine warfare.
How Smaller States are Choosing Sides in the Indian Ocean
From Sri Lanka to Kenya, governments try to balance major-power influence — except in arms purchases.
Fearing Iran, Qatar Continues Building its Missile Defenses
The Middle Eastern nation told the White House it would buy NASAMS and add to its Patriot batteries.
US Arms Sales to the Gulf Have Failed
Despite spending billions of dollars on hardware, our regional partners don’t have the capabilities we need.
The US Wants to Sell Taiwan the Wrong Weapons
The proposal to send tanks, and not A2/AD weapons, exposes a flawed American strategy.
Trump Bypasses Congress to Sell Arms to Saudis, UAE
The rare decision, a fallout of last year’s Khashoggi killing, comes as tensions rise with Iran.
US: We’ll Pay Countries to Ditch Russian, Chinese Arms
The State Department wants to go global with a program originally aimed at ex-Warsaw Pact members.
Science & Tech
Don’t Expect the US Military’s Next Fighter to Be Joint
While the Navy’s and Air Force’s next tactical jet might share some capabilities, a Navy official says, they won’t share an airframe.
The False Promises of Trump’s Arms Sales
U.S. export deals are undermining regional stability and sending jobs abroad.
Pentagon’s Focus On China and Russia Expected to Alter US Arms Sales
A new report shows a decline in Middle Eastern nations’ share of overall exports.
Trying to Kill the Iran Deal Could End Up Saving It
Trump administration officials are publicly united on their policy of punishing the Islamic Republic. But cracks are showing over just how far to go.
New New START a Nonstarter: Russian Ambassador
The last major arms control agreement between Russia and the United States receives another blow.
White House Proposes Loan Fund to Help Allies Buy US Arms
It’s the second try for an idea shelved in 2017 when lawmakers disapproved.
Here’s a 6-Country Defense-Development Effort That Just Might Work
Among its lessons: sometimes, small is better.
Stealthier Tanks Are On The Way
Several tech trends will make tomorrow’s tanks harder to spot — and that may have strategic implications.
US to India: Buy American, Not Russian
Officials hope Delhi’s $15 billion in US arms deals over the past decade are just the beginning.
The US Defense Industry Wants an Arms-Export Czar
AIA proposes the appointment of a single official or government body to shepherd deals through the Defense, State and Commerce Departments — among other changes.
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