
Ash Carter Got it Right in Aspen, Top DOD Nuclear Weapons Official Responds

Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter was accurate about nuclear weapons costs, but arguing misses the point. The U.S. needs them and can afford them. By Madelyn Creedon


Sequester and the Supply Chain: 'Life or Death' for the F-35's Small Companies

As manufacturers lose orders and lay off employees, the price of top weapons programs will rise. The anatomy of the F-35 shows why. By Sara Sorcher


What Ash Carter Gets Wrong about Nuclear Weapons Spending

It’s hard to imagine how Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter could get it so wrong in Aspen about nuclear weapons spending. But wrong he is. By Kingston Reif


Ditch the QDR

The Pentagon just conducted two major strategy reviews. So why does it need the QDR? By Doug Wilson