
Al Qaeda's Middle Management Problem

Recent strikes against the group’s top officials in Libya and Yemen illustrate its organizational weaknesses.


The Syrian War in Numbers, 4 Years On

After 51 months of fighting, the death toll is more than 230,000 Syrians, including some 14,000 children and 30,000 opposition fighters.


As More US Troops Head to Iraq, New Congressional Approval Isn’t Going Anywhere

Despite some legal experts' claims that the U.S. shouldn't fight ISIS on the authority to fight al-Qaida, the issue is a political hot potato in almost every corner of Washington.


Iraq's Problem Is So Much Bigger Than Just Training Its Military

President Obama may blame the lack of a strategy for training the troops on Baghdad, but solving ISIS is much bigger than finding a fighting force.


Obama on Iraq Troop Training: 'We Don’t Yet Have A Complete Strategy'

The president said in a press conference from the G-7 meeting Monday that the Pentagon is still waiting on 'commitments' from the Iraqi government.


Attach Human-Rights Conditions to Aid for Egypt

The connection between curbing Cairo’s abuses and U.S. interests in the region is not so much hidden as ignored.


ISIS Is Using Tunnel Bombs in Iraq

Updating an ancient tactic, Islamic State militants — as well as rebels in Syria — are digging virtually undetectable tunnels, then planting bombs to blow up buildings and other targets.


The Iraqi Army No Longer Exists

ISIS’s victory in Ramadi reveals that containment is the best the U.S. can do for now.


The White House's Game Plan for Iraq: Run Out the Clock

The administration's messaging on its Iraq strategy has basically been: No ground troops—at least until 2016—so stop asking.


House Appropriations Committee: Congress Must Consider Authorizing War Against ISIS

In a surprise move, the House panel that sets defense spending declared that lawmakers must debate whether to allow President Obama to use military force against the terrorist group.


Is Egypt Stable? Is That Even The Right Question?

Whether or not Egypt’s new political order will exist from 12 months to five years from now hinges more on the durability of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi than any any temporary calm.


ISIS Sets Its Sights on Saudi Arabia, and That’s Bad News for Washington

Nothing the terror group has done so far would be so menacing to U.S. interests.


US Army Chief Opens Door To Embedding US Troops With Iraqi Forces

After the fall of Ramadi, the Iraqi Security Forces need military and political leadership, Gen. Raymond Odierno says.


No. 2 Senate Democrat Wants US-Enforced Safe Zones In Syria

Sen. Dick Durbin has made it his lonely mission to push for humanitarian safe zones in Syria. The anti-war Democrat knows it would take international force to protect them, but he believes that’s necessary to prevent another Rwanda.


Why the New Arab Military Pact Isn't Worth The Ink It Was Written In

The plan drawn up yesterday by the Arab world’s military chiefs is unlikely to go any farther than the Cairo conference room where it was concocted.


What President Obama Thinks on Iraq, Iran and Israel

Obama speaks about the state of U.S. policy in the Middle East in a wide ranging interview with The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg.


A New Turkish-Saudi Thaw is Helping Rebels in Syria and Worrying Washington

Turkey and Saudi Arabia are finally working together to fight terrorism, and that’s good and bad news to the Obama administration.


Iraq Is Losing Control of the Nearly 100,000 Militiamen Enlisted To Fight ISIS

Almost three dozen Shiite militias have joined Iraq's fight against ISIS, a battle initially thought to be short-lived. As the militias extort from the population, the public's patience is wearing thin.


It’s Time To Arm the Sunni Tribes

The United States must work with what partners it has available in Iraq, not fictitious ones it might prefer.


US Helicopter Shot at By Anti-ISIS Forces; Commander Blames Iran

No. 2 U.S. special operations commander in region says dumb rumor fueled by Quds Force leader is making the U.S. job in Iraq much harder.