
In Lithuania, NATO Troops Set Up Near A Potentially Hostile Border

Just two years ago, it would have been nearly unthinkable for the Western alliance to set up a battalion here, some two hours' drive from Russia.


It’s Too Early to See a ‘Trump Effect’ on NATO Spending

The U.S. president's rhetoric may have allies talking about their growing defense spending, but it won’t affect most budget proposals for months.


The Hidden Potential of NATO’s Gator Navies

Improving U.S.-European amphibious interoperability would bolster the alliance’s defense posture in a non-provocative manner that complements recent moves in land forces.


3 Urgent Tasks for Trump’s National-Security Team

The administration needs a single line on various policies — but even more urgently, it must fill about 100 top federal jobs, says James Stavridis.


Europe Contemplates Life without NATO

Germany is leading a sweeping, on-the-fly rethink of how the European Union might best fend for itself.


Trump’s Empty Ultimatum to NATO

Defense Secretary Mattis just called for Europe to increase defense spending or else...what exactly?


'Even a Shining City on a Hill Needs Walls': Senator Tom Cotton

A Republican hawk acclimates to the Trump presidency—and threatens to reconsider the One China policy.


A Key NATO Ally Looks Nervously at Putin—and Trump

Norway is upping its readiness to ward off Russia, but what it really wants is for Washington to set a transatlantic security policy and stick to it.


Trump Will Inherit the Biggest NATO Buildup in Europe Since the Cold War

Clarity keeps peace; weakness invites conflict. PEOTUS's soft talk invites the Russians to misconstrue what’s happening.


Trump Should Halt US Missile-Defense Plans in Europe

The new president seems determined to woo Russia. Here’s one way he can serve American and NATO security goals as well.


Now What? Trump’s Long List of National Security Unknowns

Nobody knows what the president-elect will do about ISIS, NATO, or the size and shape of the U.S. military and intelligence workforce.


Washington is Quietly Reinforcing Europe’s Northern Flank

Much is being done to counter Russian ambitions in the High North, and yet much more remains to be done.


NATO, Stop Expanding Eastward

The alliance’s growth is doing more harm than good, and other principles of a proposed Détente 2.0.


Vladimir Putin’s Best Summer Ever

Hacking the Democratic Party’s servers is part of Putin’s plan to prove that democracy doesn’t work.


Trump's NATO-Rattling Interview Has Delayed a Key Evolution in US Nuclear Posture

The Obama administration had been working to reassure nervous allies ahead of renouncing any first use of nuclear weapons. Now that's on hold.


Trump's Loose NATO Talk Already Has Endangered Us

Collective security only works when everyone is committed to the common defense.