
Mattis: US Troops Can’t Leave Syria Until UN Peace Talks Advance

They’re still fighting ISIS remnants, holding ground, and waiting for a political solution.

Science & Tech

The Pentagon Wants AI to Take Over the Scientific Process

The project is part of DARPA’s newly launched Artificial Intelligence Exploration program, which aims to develop next-generation artificial intelligence applications.

Science & Tech

Someone Is Waging a Secret War to Undermine the Pentagon’s Huge Cloud Contract

The battle for the Defense Department’s $10 billion war cloud is getting a lot more interesting.


Better Wargaming Is Helping the US Military Navigate a Turbulent Era

Two leaders of the Joint Staff’s Studies, Analysis, and Gaming Division evaluate the two-year-old effort to increase, improve, and boost the impact of analytic wargaming.


A Message to Pentagon Spokespeople, From Your Former Boss

There’s a difference between campaigning and serving, and people have a right to know what goes on their government.


Pence Makes Hard Sell For Trump's Space Force by 2020

The administration wants a new military service branch, but space mission's future in the Pentagon and Congress is far from certain.


DIUx Drops the X, Becomes Permanent

Facing criticism, Pentagon signals to Silicon Valley the military isn't going anywhere.


Do We Need a Space Force? That Depends on Our Answers to These Legal and Strategic Questions

The first question that we need to clarify is whether the U.S. and its future peer adversaries are willing to fight a war in space.


5 Unanswered Questions About Space Force

As Pentagon leaders plan changes to the U.S. military’s orbital-operations organizations, analysts wonder whether they have done all their homework.

Science & Tech

Pentagon Prohibits Personnel From Using GPS Services in All ‘Operational Areas’

The device-agnostic policy applies to smartphones, tablets, fitness trackers, smartwatches and all other applications with geolocation features.


Pentagon Delays Space Force Report

The day after Defense One published details from an 11th-hour draft of the much-anticipated report, the Pentagon has delayed its release.


EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon To Start Creating Space Force — Even Before Congress Approves It

Within months, DoD will start standing up a new combatant command, a new space-procurement agency, and a new Space Operations Force.


Mattis: No Pentagon Policy Changes Since Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit

The defense secretary also said that his department’s policies on Iran remain the same despite tougher Trump administration rhetoric.


Pentagon Creates ‘Do Not Buy’ List of Russian, Chinese Software

Increasingly alarmed at foreign hacking, DOD and intelligence officials are racing to educate the military and defense contractors.

Science & Tech

Bidding Begins for Pentagon's Controversial $10 Billion War Cloud

The Defense Department will stick to a single cloud provider for its JEDI cloud contract.

Science & Tech

Pentagon Wants to Move Some Cyber Defense Operations to the Cloud

The Defense Department’s considering a cloud extension of its Acropolis system, which it describes as “where we fight” in cyberspace.

Science & Tech

Pentagon Plans to Publish Broad Artificial Intelligence Strategy ‘Within Weeks’

The report will focus on long-term plans and how it will funnel resources to developing the technology, a Defense official said.


If Your Weapons Aren’t Cyber-Hardened, Expect to Lose Pentagon Contracts

The Pentagon intends to start assessing its weapons’ resistance to hacks, instead of leaving that to manufacturers.

Science & Tech

The Pentagon Wants to Automate Some Classification Decisions

The proposed software would help defense officials make classification decisions and automatically enforce them.