Science & Tech

Former NGA Head to Join Satellite-Imagery Firm

An intelligence chief who embraced transparency says AI will shape the next chapter of imagery analysis.


Countering China’s Military Challenge, Today

Denying the PLA its objectives in the 2020s requires diversification, distribution, and resiliency across posture and mission.


Let’s Get Real About US Military ‘Dominance’

American strategists need to drop the assumption that the U.S. military will be the superior force in any given situation.


Biden Should Shoot This Acquisition Down

Lockheed’s purchase of Aerojet Rocketdyne would strike a blow to competition and innovation.


Approve Lockheed’s Purchase of Aerojet Rocketdyne

The deal would bolster the rocketmaker’s ability to serve aerospace and defense clients and shore up a shaky industrial base.


Americans’ Trust in Military Is Declining, Survey Finds

Yet people still trust the military more than six other U.S. institutions.


Space Force Should Embrace the Natural Inclusivity of Space Nerds

It would make the nascent service better at many things, including recruiting.


Space Firms Put Aside Rivalries to Share Threat Data

A new clearinghouse has begun gathering and distributing information about threats to space networks, products, and services.

Science & Tech

Pentagon Looks to Tap 5G in Space

“Any aspect of 5G applied to any aspect of space systems is of potential interest,” says a new request for information.

Science & Tech

Space Lasers Will Revolutionize Military Communications, If They Work

The Pentagon has ambitious plans to launch hundreds of communications satellites in the years ahead. But getting them to talk to one another isn’t easy.


Don’t Downgrade Space

Moves and hints portend a worrying shifting of priorities under the Biden administration.


Hicks Warns Against ‘Extreme Consolidation’ in Defense Industry

Kathleen Hicks, President Biden's pick to be deputy defense secretary, cruised through her confirmation confirmation hearing.


USAF Goes Commercial for Project-Management App

The service aims to accelerate its digitization by adopting product lifecycle management software already used by industry.

Science & Tech

Military Eyes AI, Cloud Computing in Space in a Decade

Physics keeps the Pentagon from orbiting a computer powerful enough for machine learning. So they’re building a network in space.