
Great Powers Must Talk to Each Other About AI

Even as they compete, major militaries have reason to cooperate: to avoid misunderstanding and to establish best practices and pragmatic parameters.

Science & Tech

State Department Still Has Poor Cybersecurity, Audit Finds

Spending more money didn't fix problems auditors have been reporting for more than a decade, State's IG found.


US-Iranian Diplomacy Almost Worked. Let’s Try It Again

Direct talks may be too much to ask for at this stage, but tension-reduction measures promoted by third parties are still very plausible.


The US Recently Made a Smart Move Toward Iran. Killing Soleimani Wasn’t It

The decision to focus on Tehran’s proxies in the wake of the embassy attack was the right course.


In Iraq, the US Gets Hit Where It Hurts

The storming of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad demonstrated that America doesn’t have a monopoly on pressure.


As the Rich Get Richer, the Ambassadors Get Worse

Gordon Sondland embodies an age-old problem—one that the flood of donor money into American politics is only exacerbating.


What’s Driving Apolitical Diplomats to Get Political

Some former State Department officials are so concerned by Trump’s treatment of America's allies and diplomatic corps that they have begun to advise 2020 Democrats.


Pompeo Can’t Escape

The secretary of state has been trying to distance himself from the impeachment hearings, but today’s explosive testimony put him at center stage.


To Deter China, Deepen the US-Indian Partnership

Here are some ideas for the upcoming 2+2 defense and foreign affairs ministerial conference.


Trump's Bullying of Ukraine Set Off Alarms Throughout the US Government

The first day of impeachment hearings revealed repeated threats to resign and repeated referrals to lawyers of possible violations of U.S. law by U.S. officials.


Trump's Real Offense Was Outsourcing American Diplomacy

Allowing Rudy Giuliani to handle U.S. diplomacy was a constitutional violation—one whose gravity Republicans might see if they weren’t so busy making excuses for the president.


Do Americans Still Want The US to Be the World’s Security Leader?

The post-Trump awakening of political activism is inspiring, but seems to end at the border. We’re teaming up with CNAS to find out why.


What It’s Like to Deal With US Foreign Policy in the Trump Era

The administration’s shadow foreign policy sees the light of day.


Yes-Men Are Taking Over the Trump Administration

Trump is making foreign policy on the fly, seeking his personal advantage and undermining American power.


Allies Defend Kurt Volker, Diplomat Caught Up in Ukrainegate

Former officials say that the characterization of Volker that has emerged in some press reports is untrue.


Pentagon, Pompeo Diverge on Saudi-Oil Attacks

Defense officials say they won’t get ahead of Saudi Arabian investigators. The Secretary of State blames Iran.


Mike Pompeo Is Bigger Than the Pentagon — For Now

“I think that Pompeo is now running foreign policy in the Trump administration in the way that Cheney ran it in the Bush administration,” said one analyst.


US Might Still Sanction Turkey For Buying S-400 From Russia

Any punishments would supplement Ankara’s ejection from the F-35 program.


70 Percent of Americans Say Arms Sales Make US Less Safe

A recent Chicago Council survey shows the Trump administration out of step with public opinion.


State Dept. IG: Hiring Freeze Hurt Border Security, Counterterrorism, and Other Priorities

Imposed by Rex Tillerson soon after Trump took office, the 16-month freeze crushed morale and hindered operations, the inspector general found.