Author Archive

Alex Grigsby

Alex Grigsby is the assistant director for the Digital and Cyberspace Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Russia, US Offer Competing Vision of Cyber Norms to the UN

Two proposed versions of an “international code of conduct for international information security” set up a clash between autocracies and democracies.


The White House National Cyber Strategy: Continuity with a Hint of Hyperbole

There seems to be a general consensus that the new cyber strategy is a continuation of existing policy. However, the us-versus-them approach the strategy takes could pose a problem.


Washington Won’t Keep Rebuffing Moscow’s Cyber Proposals Forever

Here’s where the U.S. will find common ground with the country that attacked its 2016 election.

Science & Tech

Under New Cyber Plan, UK Will Seek Its Own Offensive Weapons and Crypto Schemes

A new strategy document spells out an assertive posture by a UK government that’s wary of some shared intelligence capabilities between allies.


A Peek into French Signals Intelligence

France’s former top SIGINT spy confirms an advanced persistent threat and muses about a merger with German intelligence.


The Rules of Cyberspace Just Got A Bit Clearer

The UN's new recommendations guiding state activity in cyberspace break new ground in three important areas.


Two Ways the United Nations Could Improve Cybersecurity Policy This Week

It will come down to sticking with an unsatisfactory status quo or coming up with something new.