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Daniel DePetris

Fellow, Defense Priorities

Daniel R. DePetris is a fellow at Defense Priorities and a syndicated foreign affairs columnist for the Chicago Tribune.

In Iran Nuclear Talks, the US Has No Good Plan ‘B’

Sanctions haven’t worked. Tehran is drawing closer to a Bomb. It’s time to get serious about negotiating.


A Low Bar for Success in Today’s Iran-Nuke Talks

The Nov. 29 session between the U.S., Iran, the European Union, and the rest of the P5+1 has the air of a make-or-break moment.


The Defense Budget Process Is Broken

What the U.S. needs isn’t more money for the Pentagon, but an honest and tough debate about strategy.


Can the US and Russia Agree to Disagree?

The relationship is cold, but there are still some areas of mutual interest.


Don’t Divide the World Between Democracies and Autocracies

There are better ways to face our challenges than pushing for ideological blocs.


The Big Hack Is Damaging. That Doesn’t Make Russia 10 Feet Tall.

U.S. leaders must not overestimate a country with a weak economy and overrated military.


The 20th Year of the Afghanistan War Should Be America’s Last

U.S. national security interests do not depend on the outcome of the peace talks. It’s time to come home.


The NDAA Should Prompt a Rethinking of Costly U.S. Foreign Policy

The annual defense authorization bill offers a chance to end wars and programs that are not worth their price.


It’s Too Late for US-Russia-China Arms-Control Fantasies

As U.S. and Russian negotiators open two days of talks in Vienna, they should waste no more time talking about a tripartite agreement.


Cool It With the ‘America In Decline’ Talk

Clear-eyed assessment, not reductive defeatism, is required to develop a foreign policy that meets U.S. interests.


No, ISIS Isn’t Resurging Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

A spate of recent attacks show the group’s capabilities haven’t advanced in a year.


What If Kim Jong Un Dies?

Improvements in U.S.-North Korean relations would still largely be up to Washington.


It’s Time for the US and Saudi Arabia to Break Up

Riyadh’s recent crude-oil dump is the latest indication that the oil-for-security basis of the special relationship is no longer applicable.


ISIS Is No Reason to Stay in Iraq

Don’t take the wrong conclusion from recent news about the group’s “resurgence.”


US-Iranian Diplomacy Almost Worked. Let’s Try It Again

Direct talks may be too much to ask for at this stage, but tension-reduction measures promoted by third parties are still very plausible.


The Trump Administration’s ‘Denuclearization’ Is A Road to Nowhere

U.S. policy will remain stuck as long as the administration continues to convince itself that the North’s nuclear dismantlement can be achieved on Washington’s timeline.


NATO Should End its Open-Door Policy

Enlarging the alliance has caused more problems than it has solved.