Author Archive
Hilary Hurd
As Anti-Corruption Efforts Expand Globally, the Defense Sector Remains an Outlier
A recent anti-corruption summit produced hundreds of commitments, exactly eight of which concerned defense.
- Hilary Hurd
As Defense Markets Shift, It’s Time to Stiffen Anti-Corruption Rules for Middlemen
Third-party agents, who are crucial to arms makers’ sales efforts in the global south and east, are also relatively free to misbehave.
- Hilary Hurd and Michelle Man
Global Defense Spending Is Getting Murkier
Many of the governments that are spending more on their militaries are also the least transparent.
- Hilary Hurd
How Corruption Undermines NATO Operations
Members and partners must do better at spotting and stopping corruption in the field.
- Karolina MacLachlan and Hilary Hurd