Defense Systems

DOD turns to more flexible ground terminals to combat anti-satellite threats

DOD is exploring ways to counter anti-satellite technology by using smart antennae, mobile ground terminals, and back up frequencies.

Defense Systems

New Navy destroyer radar conducts first flight test

The AN/SPY–6(V) radar system uses radar modular assembly unit, Gallium Nitride, and digital beam form technology to bring the Navy’s radar into the digital age.

Defense Systems

Navy to speed move to digital weapons and networks

The aircraft carrier electronic launch system, electric weapons rail gun, and AN/SPY-6(V) radar are moving through testing phases toward operation.

Defense Systems

New Navy Class III undersea drone to be in the water by 2019

The Navy is speeding development of the new Snakehead unmanned vehicle development to offer electronic and mine warfare support to littoral combat operations.

Defense Systems

New Navy undersea drone helps sailors find enemy mines

The Navy is speeding development of the new Snakehead unmanned vehicle development to offer electronic and mine warfare support to littoral combat operations.

Defense Systems

Navy implements interferometer-based technology EW

SEWIP Block 2 upgrades will improve electronic threat detection and signal jamming.

Defense Systems

Navy upgrades E-2D Advanced Hawkeye radar

E-2D advanced radar software and hardware enhances the aircraft’s network-integrated early warning and cruise missile defense capabilities.

Defense Systems

Navy laser mine detection now operational

The new airborne mine detection system uses blue-green laser technology and the MH-60S helicopter to perform faster mine-sweeping.

Defense Systems

High Performance Computing Modernization Program receives SOL Engineering upgrades

New program upgrades and support will improve defense laboratory research, operation simulations, and computational data analysis.

Defense Systems

High Performance Computing Modernization Program receives SOL Engineering upgrades

New program upgrades and support will improve defense laboratory research, operation simulations, and computational data analysis.

Defense Systems

New Navy portable tablet improves testing, training

New tablet will help shipyards by improving maintenance, computing and testing.

Defense Systems

Navy acquires new portable tablet

New tablet will help shipyards by improving maintenance, computing and testing.

Defense Systems

Special: inside helicopter laser mine detection

The Navy and Northrop Grumman are developing a next-generation laser-oriented mine-hunting technology designed to detect undersea threats.

Defense Systems

Navy upgrades Growler Electronic Attack

The Navy’s EA-18G airborne electronic attack airplane gets improved radar jamming, target location technology and air defense suppression capabilities.

Defense Systems

How can cyber upgrades help satellite connectivity for small devices?

Cyber upgrades will allow ground-based operators to identify and share data on enemy missile launches faster.

Defense Systems

Air Force strengthens ground control data for satellites with cyber upgrades

Cyber upgrades will allow ground-based operators to identify and share data on enemy missile launches faster.

Defense Systems

Navy improves P-8A surveillance plane, drone integration

The Navy and Boeing are modernizing software systems for the P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft to link with manned and unmanned systems.

Defense Systems

Navy acquires new software for submarine sonar

The Navy is procuring upgraded software for sonar systems engineered to improve mine detection and covert tracking ability.

Defense Systems

Navy conducts “Hack-Our-Ship” cybersecurity event

The Navy encouraged hackers, computer scientists, small tech company representative and other experts to hack into a software program used to control Navy fleets.

Defense Systems

Air Force accelerates cloud movement with Oracle software licensing deal

The Air Force is increasing cloud integration services through a new enterprise software licensing agreement with Oracle.