
Tunisia Won't Derail From Democracy

A recent terrorist attack, doesn't signal the country's slide into violence and repression. Still, Washington needs to ensure the country's future.

Science & Tech

The Top Secret Military Mapmakers Spying on ISIS' Oil Smuggling

Analysts at the NGA have taken the tradecraft used to spy on Russia and China and turned it on black market oil transports.


Why the Gulf States Won’t Save Yemen

The Gulf Cooperation Council's joint military force is not built for war, but to protect authoritarian regimes from unarmed civilian uprisings.


Your Opinion About the Iran Deal Means Nothing to Obama

The White House doesn't seem to care Americans aren't convinced that Obama's Iran deal will work -- but what about key Democrats?


The Fine Line Netanyahu Must Walk Into His Fourth Term as Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu earned his fourth term as Israel's prime minister in part by doing whatever it takes to keep his job, including renouncing his own positions.


The Specter of Chemical Warfare Returns to the Middle East

Assad's army dropped chlorine gas on a northern Syrian town, say activists, while Kurdish forces allege ISIS use of the same weapon against them near Mosul.


How America’s Drones Can Defeat ISIS

Critics of airstrikes over Iraq and Syria should give credit where it’s due: US sustained drone strikes are doing the job.


Undoing Netanyahu's Damage to US-Israel Relations

The former Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, argues that it will crucial for Jerusalem's next government to get right with Washington.


There Is No Global Jihadist ‘Movement’

The world of Islamist fighters is deeply fragmented and constantly shifting.


The Only Thing the White House and Congress Agree On About the War Against ISIS

Senators and Obama’s top officials agree on one thing on the war against the Islamic State -- Congress is unlikely to authorize it, and it’s unlikely to matter.


Republicans May Have Undermined Their Own Cause Against Iran

The letter from 47 Republicans to Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei could provide an excuse to blame the U.S. if nuclear negotiations fail.


Why Obama's ISIS War Powers Request Is Going Nowhere

A month after the White House released a new draft to authorize military force against the Islamic State, the measure hasn't gained support in either chamber or party.


Why Are Foreign Fighters Joining ISIS?

Foreign fighters participate in some of ISIS' 'worst acts,' but there isn't one clear explanation on why they join the battle in the first place.


Why Americans Are as Divided About ISIS as They Are About Everything

America is bitterly divided over the threat of Islamic extremism partly because we are now bitterly divided over almost everything.


Keeping Iraq Unified Will Be Nearly Impossible

When the history of the second Iraq civil war is written, the February death of an influential Sunni may prove to have ended the last, best chance for Iraqi reconciliation.


John Allen: ISIS Losing, But Iraq Still Isn't Ready To Win

Iraq’s government may not be ready to handle what happens when it defeats ISIS.


The Tikrit Offensive May in Fact Be Bad News for Iraq's Future

If the Iraqi forces are to defeat ISIS in Tikrit, they need local residents to rise up against the terrorists. But increasing Iranian influence is casting doubt on that outcome.


Iraqi Security Forces Launch Offensive To Retake Tikrit from ISIS

A battle for the strategic city of Tikrit has begun, with Iranian-backed militias and Iraqi security forces battling Islamic State militants.


The US, ISIS and the War of Narratives That's Being Lost

It's no secret that countering ISIS messaging requires telling a better story. So why hasn't the U.S. come up with one yet?


Will Netanyahu's Washington Moment Ruin a Breakthrough on Iran?

The politics of Netanyahu's speech to Congress this week masks another issue: Obama's responsibility to avoid making a bad nuclear deal with Tehran.