
Defense Firms Put Down Roots in UAE

Global defense companies are opening offices and forming partnerships with local industry in hopes of winning business in the United Arab Emirates.


SecDef: The Strategy Against the Islamic State Is Working

After a day-long conference in Kuwait, Defense Secretary Ash Carter left open the possibility of a sharpened U.S. approach against the Islamic State.


Why Arab Ground Troops Won't Defeat ISIS

It is one thing for the Egyptian air force to bomb ISIS from the air. But the ability of Arab militaries to fight an organized, motivated enemy is highly suspect.


Defense One at IDEX: Western Military Leaders Seek Looser Arms Restrictions

At the world’s largest arms expo, defense leaders, military commanders and weapons makers want to make it easier to arm allies in the Middle East.


The Larger Truth of 'Violent Extremism'

Recent history reveals the president's deliberate choice of wording could be read as a statement about the nature of terrorism itself.


For the First Time, Americans Support US Ground Troops Against ISIS

The Islamic State group's brutality has dramatically shifted public opinion in the United States.


US Military Reveals Massive Plan To Attack, Retake Mosul From Islamic State

As if sending a warning to Islamic State fighters, the U.S. military reveals details of a massive attack plan to retake Mosul, Iraq.


Bob Corker’s War

How a soft-spoken southern senator who built shopping centers became one of the most important figures in the war against the Islamic State.


Why Obama Won't Talk About Islamic Terrorism

The refusal to acknowledge the aims of Islamic terrorism is central to the Obama administration’s fight against terrorism and violent extremism.


What ISIS Really Wants

The Islamic State believes it is an agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and how to stop it.


Terrorism Finance Trackers Worry ISIS Already Using Bitcoin

The ability to move cash around national borders could help ISIS fund attacks in the West, just as an Al Qaeda group apparently funded the attacks in France.


What Would the Obama of 2007 Say About His War Powers Request?

Eight years ago, President Obama campaigned on a pledge to limit the use of military force. He now finds himself asking Congress for the authority to wage war.


US Vacates Embassy as Uncertainty Grows in Yemen

Employees are racing to remove weapons and documents from the compound in Sanaa, which will shut down this week.


Obama’s War Powers Request Expected to Spark New Debate This Week

New war powers for the Islamic State fight are expected any day now. They will unleash the first real debate on war in more than a decade.


Obama's New National Security Strategy Could Force Clinton to Take a Hard Line

Critics are attacking Obama's new national security strategy as weak and unfocused -- leaving Democrats on the defensive.


Why Each ISIS Video Is More Horrifying Than the Last

The terrorist group has committed many atrocities, but it focuses its propaganda power on productions that will shock the world.


Ignore the Pundits: US-Israeli Security Relations Are Stronger Than Ever

US defense secretaries’ relationships with their Israeli counterparts have been among the closest of any around the world.


Jordanians: 'We Want Nothing Now, Only To Get Daesh Out'

Sidelined no more, as King Abdullah's military strikes ISIS for al-Kasasbeh's death, Jordanians vow, 'We are fighters. We will devour them.'


UAE Shows the Air War Against ISIS Is Almost Entirely on America's Shoulders

As allies' search-and-rescue limitations come under the spotlight, it increasingly appears that the U.S. will be the primary actor in the air war against ISIS until the very end.